The map image is original work, but it was created and modified using a variety of tools.
I started with a
random village generated at
I used screen shots, and stitched them together in
While I had it in Photoshop, I also erased a few roads that I did not need, and merged it with a blurry blown up segment of the faerun map.
I then imported that into
Campaign Cartographer. I found Campaign Cartographer arcane, and frustrating,
but I used it to add the mountains, and the tents, and the grid lines.
Then I took it back into Photoshop, and used it to texture the water, the roads, and the labels.
I used a nifty on-line tool to create the
image maps, check out!
While I am here, I will mention that the background image is from
public domain photos.
I also used
public domain photos for the background of the Fortune logo.